Friday, April 4, 2014

Classroom Website

Mrs. Parsons' Classroom Website

Above is my link to my classroom website. I think of this as a communication tool and resources where my Learning Coaches can go for resources information and forms that they may need.

It is a work in progress, but I have multiple pages working right now. If they are not I tried to delete the template information and note that it's "coming soon".

Online Application Review- Google Documents and Sumo Paint

Google Documents

I have used Google Documents before, so I know how it works and it's benefits. I used it as a type of survey to send out to my Learning Coaches at the beginning of the year. This helped me get their beginning of the year Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) started. It was nice because I could sort it into an excel file and then mail merge it into the document. It saved me so much type of cutting and pasting or retyping the information.
You can also send out a document to others that can be shared, changed, edited by the people you share it with. It can also be protected so others can't access it, if it's private.
So, I think it has some great benefits and uses. I personally use DropBox more than I use Google Docs because I like how easy it is for me to access the documents I have shared with my teammates. But, overall I think Google Documents is a great tool to use when working with collaboratively with others.

Sumo Paint

 I played around with Sumo Paint for a little bit. It was fun to see what you could create. It kind of felt like Kid Pix for adults. I am not much into painting or graphic design or anything like that so I don't see the big benefits of this application or how it would benefit me in my current job. (Kindergarten Teacher). I am not sure I would bother using this to edit my photos either. I really like to just use Instagram because I can easily edit photos and post it to Facebook, which you can't do with Sumo Paint. I feel like it is geared more towards  paint and image design. So it is fun to play with but not very useful in my opinion.